Thursday, December 31, 2009

Council Meetings

I saw the video of today's continuation of the 12/22 council meeting and I am still shaking my head about what went on. Please, we need more people to come to council meetings - next one is 1/5/10 - COW @ 6:30, Council @ 8:00 - the insanity has to stop. If we don't hold them accountable, who knows what kind of mess we'll find ourselves in. And we will be the ones footing the bill for their foolishness.

In my opinion, the Mayor is out of control. Power has gone to his head.

Anyone who disagrees with him, or is friends with the new councilman, has a political motive whenever they question the council, at least according to the mayor. That is not always the case. Even if it were true, wasn't it politics that got him elected? Now he doesn't like politics? Going must be getting rough.

Just because the press was there, he accused a citizen of making remarks and asking questions just because the press was there. This woman has asked questions of the council for months - press or no press.

Then the Mayor tried to tell this citizen that she had not actually asked any questions - I believe he told her "You thought you did", or words to that effect. The video will have the exact wording. And when the council woman wanted to answer one of the questions (that the mayor said wasn't asked) the mayor denied her permission to do so. What?!!??

According to Marlin's Rules it seems that questions are only questions if he thinks they deserve an answer and council members are not permitted to speak without asking for his permission. This is insane!

Please get yourself to a council meeting and stop this train wreck.


Unknown said...

Is Marlin's rules similiar to Robert's rules ?

Anonymous said...

Robert's Rules also require the "Chair" to be courteous. That does not happen at our council meetings.