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This is just another example of how out of control this city is. Let's appoint 200 MORE unarmed, unsupervised wannabes to patrol the streets "pretending" to be cops. Wasn't it mentioned that the turmoil in the HPD is directly hampering their ability to fulfill their patrol responsibilities? So instead of dealing with it head on, let's put the city at greater risk by allowing these phonies to drive around in marked police vehicles. One of these days, the HCOP program is going to blow up in their faces. You don't send unarmed people out to patrol the streets of a city, just ask the two auxilliary cops from NYPD.....
This is just another example of how out of control this city is. Let's appoint 200 MORE unarmed, unsupervised wannabes to patrol the streets "pretending" to be cops. Wasn't it mentioned that the turmoil in the HPD is directly hampering their ability to fulfill their patrol responsibilities? So instead of dealing with it head on, let's put the city at greater risk by allowing these phonies to drive around in marked police vehicles. One of these days, the HCOP program is going to blow up in their faces. You don't send unarmed people out to patrol the streets of a city, just ask the two auxilliary cops from NYPD.....